By the time you finish reading this sentence, another person will have died of a smoking disease. Yet another person will be taking their final few breaths. Is it you next? Or maybe somebody in your family? You already know that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema. You also know that second-hand smoke is just as dangerous to your friends, family and children. The choice is yours. Do you want to be a statistic or a survivor?
In the Western World there are more people who die from smoking related diseases than those who who die each year from AIDS, car accidents, alcohol, drugs, fires, homicides and suicides COMBINED. In a couple cities of VA, around 120,000 people die of smoking related diseases every year and in VA it is well over 600,000 deaths every year.
Look Good, Feel Good and Smell Good
They all want to look and feel at our best and it's no secret that giving up smoking can help develop our careers and improve our image. Smokers are heavily prejudiced against today and you may not realise it, but even the stale smell of smoke on your clothes will put people off.
What's the answer?
Most people are fed up with the idea of giving up using a whole variety of products. There is an alternative way and it is to change your relationship with tobacco, cigarettes and smoking.
Why waste the next years of your life?
Lots of people have been there and done it. I thoroughly researched cigarettes, smoking, nicotine and addiction and finally quit 5 years ago. No nicotine replacement, no herbs, no medication, no cold turkey. After carefully planning the date for quitting, some did it and never looked back. I often wonder whether the people who design these nicotine patches and gums have ever been addicted to cigarettes? Would you give alcohol to an alcoholic trying to overcome their addiction? So why give nicotine to someone trying to overcome their nicotine addiction?
If you can't stop smoking talk to Me and I can help!!
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